Patricia Soteropoulos
Ph.D., 1993, Cornell University
B.A., 1987, Barnard College, Columbia University
Ramanathan, Y., Zhang, H., Aris, V., Soteropoulos, P., Aaronson, S.A., and Tolias, P.P. (2002). Functional Cloning, Sorting and Expression Profiling of Nucleic-Acid Binding Proteins. Genome Research 12, 1175-1189.
Zhang, H., Ramanathan, Y., Soteropoulos, P., Recce, M., and Tolias, P.P. (2002). EZ-Retrieve: A Web-server for Batch Retrieval of Coordinate-specified Human DNA Sequences and Underscoring Putative Transcription Factor-binding Sites. Nucleic Acids Research 30, No. 21 e121
Qin, L., Qiu, P., Wang, L., Li, X., Swarthout, J.T., Soteropoulos, P., Tolias, P., and Partridge, N.C. (2003) Gene expression profiles and transcription factors involved in PTH signaling in osteoblasts revealed by microarray and bioinformatics. J. Biol. Chem. 278, 19723-19731.
Ulger C., Toruner G.A., Alkan M., Mohammed M., Damani S., Kang J., Galante A., Soteropoulos P., Tolias P.P., Schwalb M.N. and Dermody J.J. (2003) Comprehensive genome-wide comparison of DNA and RNA level scans using microarray technology for identification of candidate cancer related genes in the HL60 cell line. Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 147, 28-35.
Price, R.M., Tulsyan, N., Dermody, J.J., Schwalb, M., Soteropoulos, P. and Castronuovo, J.J. (2004) Gene expression after crush injury of human saphenous vein: Using microarrays to define the transcriptional profile. J. Am. Col. Surg. 199, 211-8.
Toruner, G.A, Ulger, C., Alkan, M., Galante, A.T., Rinaggio, J., Wilk, R., Tian, B., Soteropoulos, P., Hameed, M.R., Schwalb, M.N. and Dermody, J.J. (2004) Association between gene expression profile and tumor invasion in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics, 154, 27-35.
Aris, V.M., Cody, M.J., Cheng, J., Dermody, J.J., Soteropoulos, P., Recce, M. and Tolias, P.P. (2004) Noise filtering and nonparametric analysis of microarray data underscores discriminating markers of oral, prostate, lung, ovarian and breast cancer. BMC Bioinformatics. 5, 185.
Netterwald, J., Yang, S., Wang, W., Ghanny, S., Cody, M., Soteropoulos, P., Tian, B., Dunn, W., Liu, F. and Zhu, H. (2005) Two GAS-like Elements in the Human Cytomegalovirus Major Immediate-Early Promoter/Enhancer Are Important for Viral Replication. J. Virol. 79, 5035-5046.
Gardiner, R.E., Soteropoulos, P., Park, S. and Perlin D.S. (2005) Characterization of Aspergillus fumigatus mutants with reduced susceptibility to caspofungin. Medical Mycology Supplement 1, 43, S299-S305.
Yang, S., Ghanny, S., Wang, W., Galante, A., Dunn, W., Liu, F., Soteropoulos, P., and Zhu, H. (2005) Using DNA Microarray to Study Human Cytomegalovirus Gene Expression. J. Virol. Methods. In Press.
Current Research
The Center for Applied Genomics (CAG) conducts research in biology and medicine using functional genomic approaches with a specific focus on the application and further development of DNA and protein microarray technology.
The CAG has expertise is in the design, production and application of high quality DNA mircoarrays, the development of data analysis tools, the development of novel array based technologies and interdisciplinary collaboration in molecular, cellular and systems biology, engineering, materials science, and information systems. Work at the CAG spans applications ranging from basic research to diagnostics, drug discovery and public health.
My research program centers on the development of novel microarray-based technologies. The current research interests of my group include the development of: novel protein arrays; self-reporting microarrays; new fluorescent labeling technologies; new microarrray surfaces; novel data analysis tools; efficient array printing technology; microfluidic arrays; and the fully integrated microarray system for diagnostics and point of care applications.