MD with Thesis Program
MD with Thesis Program
The NJMS Office of the Senior Associate Dean for Research, in conjunction with the NJMS Office of Education, is pleased to announce a new M.D. with Thesis research program for NJMS medical students. The program will be directed by Dr. Padmini Salgame, Department of Medicine.
The M.D. with Thesis Program offers a unique opportunity for NJMS medical students to conduct original research during their medical school training. After admission to the program, the student is expected to devote one year exclusively to independent research that is Laboratory, Clinical or Population based. During the research year, the student will enroll in a NJMS Scholars Program. The student may receive a stipend during the research year (subject to available funding). Upon successful completion of the doctor of medicine requirements, thesis and satisfactory defense, the student will graduate with an MD degree with Distinction in Research.
Students interested in the program should contact the Coordinator:

Sayeeda Suber
Faculty interested in participating in the program as mentors may contact the Director: