• UH Medical Records Access

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University Hospital Medical Records Access

Access to UH Newark’s Epic electronic medical record system for clinical research purposes (for example, for new clinical research coordinators, or for students assisting with research data collection) is facilitated through University Hospital Clinical Research Services (UH-CRS). To request access, complete the following steps.

Step 1: Complete the following forms and send to UH-CRS@uhnj.org

  1. UH Intake Form for HealthStream Access
  2. Subscription and Security Forms - Combined Note that this form must be signed by the Principal Investigator or Supervisor under “manager” on page 1.

Step 2: Complete the UH Ethics and Compliance training through HealthStream. Access and instructions to HealthStream will be provided by UH Ethics and Compliance after UH-CRS submits the completed intake form.

Step 3: After completion of the UH Ethics and Compliance training, e-mail the transcripts from the training as a pdf document (images such as jpeg or png will not be accepted) to UH-CRS@uhnj.org

Additional steps for Students only

E-mail the following documents to UH-CRS@uhnj.org for the research study you will be working on:

Fully executed University Hospital research plan for this study. If you do not have a copy of this document, provide UH-CRS with the name of the Principal Investigator and eIRB Protocol number and UH-CRS will verify whether this document exists. Information about these requirements may be found here (link to requirements for chart review study.)

Rutgers eIRB approval letter or modification approval letter for the study, showing your name listed as a member of the study team. (Note that an eIRB modification may need to be submitted by the PI to add you to the study if your name is not already listed. Please reach out to the PI or Study Coordinator for assistance.)