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Safety, Security & Management


Accordion Content

    • Rutgers Responsible Official
    • Rutgers Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC)
    • Rutgers Environmental Health and Safety
    • ICPH BSL3 Risk Assessment Committee
    • PHRI BSL3 SOP Committee
    • NJMS Occupational Medicine Services
    • NJMS Student Health & Wellness Service
    • Rutgers-NJMS Board of Concerned Citizens
    • Newark Fire Department
    • Eternal Advisory Board
    • Internal Advisory Board
    • Deputy Director
    • Manager & Director of Cores
    • Rutgers Physical Plant
    • Rutgers Department of Public Safety (Campus Law Enforcement)
    • NJMS Facilities Planning & Construction
    • ICPH Building Manager
    • PHRI Laboratory Engineer
    • Local, State & Federal Law Enforcement Agencies
    • US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
    • USDA
    • National Institutes of Health
    • ICPH Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC)
    • ICPH Animal Research Specialist Team
    • NJMS Facility Veterinarians
    • Research Animal Facility Supervisor
    • Senior Animal Caretakers
    • Animal Caretakers

Public Health Support

  • The RBL will provide laboratory surge support (facilities and trained technical expertise) to aid public health agencies in the event of a national emergency
  • Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) are pending with the NJDHSS and the NYCDHMH
  • >45 trained BSL3 researchers
  • PHRI worked with NYCDOHMS during anthrax outbreak to provide lab support; served as CDC outbreak center for molecular characterization of MDR TB in New York Metro region  
Rutgers RBL